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Good Idea/Bad Idea
Dabir Wrote:

There we go, I remember being told that this is what the engine's supposed to be.

Then those two turbines make even less sense and their roles as basic "pressure sensors" is confirmed.

Also, I had courses about the seebeck effect, I had to pass exams about the seebeck effect, if that's what is used ingame, it is not sensible to make a space station wide power source with it (most installations can barely pass the kilowatt, but I guess spacemans have made the technology very efficient so whatever) and a simple joule engine makes way more sense since we have access to a whole friggin atmospherics system and it's way more fun to mess with than a simple box with some supersized wires in it (in my opinion at least).

Anyways, I can understand that a purely thermoelectric generator would be used due to the simplicity of the model required. But then, it still leaves a big question : what is the influence of pressure inside the loops in regards to generated power ?

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