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Arkire LLJK US 1
Arki Wrote:So what's your complaint about exactly? I'm having trouble following your train of thought.
The complaint is what I see(from what I have read from other complaints) No one ever gets a second opinion, they just hop on, gib, and leave.

Arki Wrote:As far as the emoticons go, on these servers we usually regard emoticons that you don't have to tilt your head to read as 'anime' emoticons. Since I was working off that assumption it did not occur to me that your emoticons were in fact manufactured and distributed in America. You can see the source of my misunderstanding, perhaps.

"Regard Emoticons that you don't have to tilt your head to read as 'anime' emoticons"

You yourself just said it. using this very sentance against you I can tell you that you just said, You call emoticons that you dont have to tilt your head to read as 'anime'
So if you tilt your head to read it, then What is it?

Anyway, regarding the second quote, Maybe the goonstation definition of emoticons should be what everyone elses definition is. Because when looked up, It turns out that as far as everyone can tell, Emoticons originate from a man by the name of Scott Falhman a research professor, From the USA. Not very Japenese/Chinease/Or Asian if you ask me(OR anyone that sees this guys mugshot cuz hes white.)

I can gladly post you to 4-5 sites that explain this. If you would like to redefine your definition of "Anime Face"

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