07-31-2014, 11:06 AM
Arki Wrote:If I had to take a guess as to why Hull hopped on to sharkgib you, I'd hazard that it was because of lines like "I am just waiting for more reasons to complain on the forum." and "Its like this, I have played games that have been taken down for enforcing a rule not stated.". That's entirely my guess, though. You'd have to ask 'em.
Incidentally, the rule in question is mentioned at the bottom of this section of the rules http://wiki.ss13.co/Rules#Don.27t_grief. Maybe it could be clearer, but come on, do you really need "RULE #46 - Do not shit up OOC" to realise that maybe you shouldn't shit up OOC?
Actually, it was instantly after I said that, that the sharks started to gib me, so I doubt he took that into consideration, considering, about 4-5 minutes later is when I finally got a message from him.