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Good Idea/Bad Idea
I've had this idea for a while, but thought it was too dumb to put in the traitor items thread:

The shoes from this video:

Should be a traitor item. Probably all 10 crystals and they make a midi play when put on and the user starts bouncing up and down (maybe a party light effect becomes visible around the user too). A special panel opens up with dance moves that do various things from causing random explosions to stunning people, being able to force doors open, jump over tables, whatever. As the user does more moves the music gets more intense and they accumulate Funk. As Funk increases so too does the potency of the dance moves. Explosions get bigger, stuns get longer or start to do actual damage, the impact from the dance moves now breaks down walls. However, also the shoes have a downside, no man can handle that much funk, so soon after funk starts to accumulate, the user begins to have a chance to randomly be gibbed after using each dance move.

It needs tweaking and it still seems like it wouldn't work well in a round. Another idea is to have the shoes as a syndie crate item and they just make the user bounce up and down (like moon shoes) and play a midi song.

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