07-29-2014, 07:59 PM
atomic1fire Wrote:This is probably one of those things that is super unfeasible but could be neat.
An exact replica of the station (in a telescience zlevel) but it looks completely wrecked, and maybe it has zombies in it or something. Or maybe it's almost exactly the same except everything is a little weirder and oddly creepy. Basically convince the person someone has messed with the station and they just teleported into it.
(maybe gut out stuff like the engine or something if lag is an issue)
A telescience guy would get teleported in and think "What happened to the station" and then eventually realize it's a completely different station.
Maybe prolonged stay could trigger space madness or something.
Basically a Mirror universe zlevel.
In truth it's probably too close to void in concept, but it sounds neat.
Populate it with NPC replicas of people currently playing in the round. Possibly have them move and say things exactly as the players are. That, or just give them generic phrases