12-25-2012, 02:19 AM
MrMaples Wrote:A lot of these ideas are extremely OP and just result in easy kills...
For example, Santa costume
I know the premise of this thread is for occupation-specific items, but I decided that there should also be more general items for a traitor that aren't job related.
Any - Syn-duct Tape (1-3 TC)
A versatile and cheap piece of equipment that is extremely useful. How so? When ordered, you get a roll of duct-tape containing 30 strips of duct-tape, which can be used to fashion just about anything you can think of. It must be used in hand, at which point a construct menu will pop up and allow you to use strips from the tape to make into some kind of item, just like it would if you were building with metal, glass, or rods.
Here's a few examples, if you can't imagine it...
- Tape bind (10 strips) - Functions like handcuffs, but take significantly less time to resist out of. Target the torso, arms, or hands to use as handcuffs. Target legs, groin, and feet to use as shackles.
- Tape gag (5 strips) - Depending on what you target, can work as a muzzle or blindfold. If the target has facial hair, removing the duct tape will also shave them and trigger screaming.
- Tape hat (15 strips) - Prevents an AI from auto-tracking you, but will still find you without an agent ID.
- Tape belt (15 strips) - Works like a toolbelt. Also protects you from jumpsuit thieves.
- Tape gloves (15 strips) - Hit slightly harder. Wearing this prevents you from wearing any other gloves, so use with caution.
- Wallet (20 strips) - Makes a wallet that you can store small items into.
These are just a few examples, as I'm sure there's more and better things you can do with it. People who've been gagged can remove the tape from their eye or mask slot, depending on where they were taped and if they have control of their hands. When used on someone buckled into a chair, it tapes them into the chair and bucklecuffs them.
You could also use this on yourself. In one hand, use the duct-tape on an item in your other hand, making attempts to disarm your taped item futile. It also makes it hard for you to drop or store the item, as it's affixed to your hand with duct tape.
Any - Syndicate Breach Charge (2-3 TC)
No thermite? No problem! This works almost exactly the same as the Nuke op thermite breach charge when placed on a wall, but it also works on airlocks, blowing them wide open and knocking down anyone close enough to the door for a few moments. Use this on people and watch the hilarity unfold!
Any - Strange Gloves (3-4 TC)
These look like an ordinary pair of black gloves, but they have a hidden twist to them. In addition to keeping your own prints off of anything you touch, they allow you to steal prints from other people and use them as your own while you're wearing the gloves. This will throw off anyone from your trail, while a crafty detective traitor may use it to frame someone else for their crimes.
You acquire fingerprints from someone else by touching them with the gloves with any intent but hurt. Maybe someone slipped on a wet floor and you go over to help him up, then later half the station is on a manhunt because his prints were found on a weapon he himself never touched. Doesn't work on yourself though, so there's no danger of making them useless by tweaking your own nipples.
Any - Strange Vest (4-6 TC)
A vest that you can wear on your person. It reduces damage taken to the torso significantly (about as much as normal body armor), while also giving you complete protection against any kind of energy type weapon, including tasers, while worn. This means you're only vulnerable to incapacitation which requires someone to be right on top of you.
It's a fairly strange vest. It actually looks a lot like the barman's waistcoat, but you can tell that it isn't because it has a big red S stitched on the back and several big buttons on the front side that could very well be energy reflectors. It's basically armor to protect traitors from ranged attacks and people who only target the chest. They're still vulnerable to kinetic weapons, so revolvers will still hurt a lot.
- Supplement: Vest-Burster (2-3 TC)
It's a stick of explosives that you can use on your strange vest. When in place, it turns it into a suicide vest, which is denoted by a few wires sticking out of the vest. It will self-detonate if you die or if you use a suicide emote. It must be purchased separately from the vest. A pretty bad pun, too.
Any - Hologram projector(6-8 TC):
It is a disk you activate in hand and when activated, you become a hologram of yourself and can walk through walls. People can see your hologram, including know who it is. Basically, it allows you to 'ghost', but without actually killing you.
To deactivate the effect, click on the disk again in your hand. You are entirely vulnerable while you're in a hologram form however, so taking damage while projecting, having someone else pick up the disk, or having the disk leave the z-level or be destroyed will stop your projection and you'll gain control of yourself again.
Your hologram looks fairly life-like, but will flicker occasionally, giving the illusion away. You can talk to people through the hologram, but not into the radio. You also cannot interact with any items while in your hologram form. It has an infinite amount of uses. It's a bulky item, meaning it won't fit in a pack or pocket.