First and foremost, you should be fucking grateful that anyone bothers to revive you. I watch corpses get ignored and rot on the ground right outside of medbay all the time. If you died and someone was kind enough to bring you somewhere to give you a second chance you shouldn't be bitching about it.
Second of all, I have never not once in all my time playing here, mostly as a roboticist no less, ever seen one run into genetics and abduct a corpse or vice versa.
Third, If I had my way, you'd be jobbanned from everything but borg till you learned how to not shit up mentorhelp all the time in game, not to mention the cross-round grudging I've seen you do constantly.
Fourth, No. That's a fucking terrible idea for an item and will just lead to people not getting revived.
Fifth, People barely ever upload suicide laws to the AI anymore because killing the AI isn't an objective anymore. Stealing the brain is, but most people have figured out that having an unstoppable robot army means you can take the brain whenever you want. /rant
But yes this is a good idea. Really, We shouldn't punish roboticists for doing their jobs for those like the ingrate above who will likely kill themselves immediately. Why should the man or woman trying to bring people back into the round lose precious metal and power cells that can go to someone else because someone else was ungrateful?