07-16-2014, 05:41 AM
Marquesas Wrote:They wouldn't have to carry batteries, I mean if this was implemented, tasers fresh out of the lockers would not change, but officers would be given the option to exchange for a bigger battery, and have the option to carry spares. I mean if you, right now, wanted to carry spares you'd pocket another taser.
Perhaps remove the necessity of tools for power cell removal, so nothing extra would have to be carried to be able to effectively reload.
Maybe to remove the battery, just click it while it's in your hand? Nobody uses or should use the bloody burst stun anyway. Rechargers should still work the same for sure.
Another quick idea could be to unlock it first with your Security ID. Means you won't accidentally unload your ammo if you double click your gun like a dork, and if you rob a taser, you still have to get to a recharger to charge if you're not a cop.