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suggestions to improve spy rounds (aka spydeas hehehe)
Haine Wrote:my spydea* is: remove it as a round type and make the multi-use implanter a regular, high-TC traitor item

* aka an idea I think I blatantly stole from SpyGuy

My idea was to remove Spy from the rotation, then keep the multi-use implanter as something you'd give a hardmode traitor with the objective to become a supervillain.
The implanter itself is a great tool if you want to run gimmicks without the threat of getting murdered by a vigilante or if you've got grander plans that takes more people to make happen within a reasonable timeframe (and where your minions need enough autonomy that you can't babysit them to renew the implant).

The implanter could be used for such amazing things, but in the end it's stuck in a round type where it will only ever be used to cause (lame) death and destruction.

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