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It's that time of they year when we rant about security.
Quote:I think the enemy chart should omit those crosshairs, they make it look visually messy

As regards to the stun, I'd like to see the way stun guns work IRL apply to how players are stunned.
For example when you get shot with a taser, most often people turn into a spazzing mess, limbs flying all over the place. It doesn't disable all their nerves bar the lungs and the vocal cords to scream obscenities. People can still grab things if they fall to the ground, knives, guns, etc. This is how I think tasers should work:

1st shot:
A) From a distance: Slows down the target somewhat. Handy for when you're chasing someone.
B) Up close: Slows down the target considerably, to a walk perhaps. Better up close when your target is probably armed.
C) Point-blank: Target flips, and gets briefly stunned with attributes from 2nd shot. Best to keep numb with the stun baton afterwards.

2nd shot:
A) From a distance: Applies a "numb" attribute. The numb attribute is different to a stun, which would still be present in the stun baton. The numb attribute causes the target to randomly drop what they are holding, and randomly trip (exactly like getting pushed over). Tripping on the ground, you can still pick up things and possibly shoot them as it's because it's similar to being pushed over, but you may drop it if the RNG causes you to drop what your holding.
B) Up close: Increases the frequency of the twitching and tripping.
C) Point-blank: Same as point-blank from 1st shot.

This change would make tasers alot more useful, but alot different. Stun/flash would be used in conjuction with it, tasers incapacitating targets prior. It doesn't nerf the taser, it changes how you are stunned. The stun giving the target some windows of opportunity to perhaps pick up that revolver as he trips and falls to the ground. It would make fire-fights more interesting, and the 1st shot would actually serve purpose, as it would decrease the targets chance of escaping. Eh, my 2c.

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