HoS/Mentor App C. Silvercloud(Silvercloud29)
Usual Character Name: C. SIlvercloud (If I am playing a more serious round) or Sam Starfall (If I am into messing around)
BYOND Username: SIlvercloud29
Recommended by (if applicable): To be honest, none that I can think of off the top of my head.
Times Available: Particularly random. Mostly nightshift (10:30pm EST - 5:30am/6:30am EST) can be on at other hours however.

Reason for Application (300 word minimum):
To tell you the truth, this is a question I am asking myself as of writing this. I guess it's due to the fact I been around about a year now. I experienced a lot on SS13, particularly with goonstation. I love the random chaos without any real expectation of things going anything that remotely looks normal. I cannot play anywhere else because of it. The few other places I have tried I found it way to boring or stale compared to what I started with, dealing with the insanity shift after shift. So I guess I can say I am writing this application because I want to do a bit more then just mess around every shift and try to be a much more useful member to the staff.

During my time on Goon station I never actually played as a medical doctor, but I have brought people back to medical everything from finding dead bodies and trying to clone them. To dragging someone after an explosion to reattach their limbs. To sum it all up, I like to help people in general. Funny thing is even if I am a traitor I end up cloning or healing at least one person. However that does play in your favor in the long run but it's more of a natural response for me then anything.
So I am filling out this application because I like to help out. And I am aiming for either HoS or Mentor. I have done a little of each job on the station. And I feel like a decent jack of all trades. Even though I will admit there is plenty more to learn to be the most robust of the internet spacemen.

Security Experience (300 word minimum):
As for security experience I actually have played quite a few rounds as sec. Mostly as C. Silvercloud since I use that name for more serious shifts. I have had my fair share of mishaps that's for sure. I do however follow my own set of rules and guidelines as a sec officer and do my best to be as level headed as possible. Despite people thinking it as unfair as it is I have a rule the If I see you breaking into areas you are not supposed to be in (Example, staff assistant breaking into EVA) I have them the option of them giving up their tools or end up being stun baton-ed, brigged for about 45-60 seconds and tools confiscated and brought back to tool storage near the bar. I have had people fighting in the halls that to stop a fight, flashbang them to break up the fight, bring the wounded to medical or treat them in sec if they need the treatment right away, and figure out what was going on. I believe people should be treated fairly then just the normal things shitcurity normally does round on round basis. Here is a story from a round with poor security staff.

One round I walked into sec joining in late as an officer and had another sec officer and a detective trying to detain a guy. After grabbing a baton. stunning him and taking the prisoners backpack and turning out his pockets. I stuck him in the brig for 4 min since he was possible traitor. While examining his things to see if the story was true or not, the other and detective went into the cell to shoot him. Talk about shitcurity right there. That's just wrong to do. To make the story short. the detective was killed because the prisoner robusted him and took his gun. And he stunned me and ran since I was at least being fair about it.

These are all forms of horrible things I seen. And sure, I will admit I am not perfect. I tend to rage from time to time but I don't believe that someone should just be murdered or permabrigged because they might be a traitor. And even if someone is a traitor at least take their weapons, give them a decent brig time and if they offend again, or just being completely unruly and won't take a reasonable punishment, then kill them. I like giving players a chance. As an example, I don't mind if you are genetics changeling, draining the DNA from dead bodies after you start cloning the person, you aren't hurting anyone! No reason to bring the angry mob in at you for it.

Also, for bonus points I am a security guard in real life. With experience working in high stress environments. From construction sites to unemployment offices. So I feel real world experiences and understanding of SS13s mechanics help me in giving people a much more of a much more fair, level headed judgement. Even if traitors are evil, if they aren't hurting anyone, you don't have a reason to mess with them.

To sum it all up, I feel I would be a good head of security because even though I might have some rage from time to time. I can be reasonable and negotiable to people that are willing to talk, or be ruthless to those that are being unreasonable and destructive to the station as a whole.

In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc):
The fact that the brig is behind a second set of doors from the security lobby does help. It could use less surface area though, since its a pain in the ass to recapture a slippery bastard that managed to clear his stun and started running all over the room, forcing sec into a chase like out of Benny hill. The brig could honestly use the cells rebuilt though. To me the single cells seem to work a lot better then the double cell that prisoners can easily escape out of. The only other problem with sec is the detectives office is a little to much into the forefront and should be moved back a bit. Make it a bit harder to break into his office to get the fun stuff. And Beepsky's patrol route opens the doors to the sec entry hall which is a security breach and a half.

Your opinion of Shrek (5 word minimum): What does an ogre have ANYTHING to do with robust internet spacemen?

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): Once, for a day. It was due to me being a stupid noob that committed suicide to escape being mind slaved

P.S. Even if I am not approved for HoS I am still highly interested at least mentorship. I filled out a HoS app as a "Why not" since it was mentioned if you are interested in both roles to fill out just the HoS app

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