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Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk)
Dachshundofdoom Wrote:Stealth storage shouldn't have messages. I acknowledge that it would be kind of noticeable if a guy was somehow shoving gear into a fire extinguisher, but it's barely stealthy as it is since Sec is just going to strip you and examine everything you own if they catch you doing something shady.

Instead of quieting the radbow, maybe remove the GIANT HORRIFYING OH GOD HE JUST SHOT YOU MESSAGE. The noise and screen blur would give away that they had been shot, but if it's supposed to be a little tiny thing that you shove in your pocket and which shoots a bolt of pure radiation (how it shoots radiation with a bowstring is beyond me), it shouldn't be immediately traced back to you in a crowd, at least if fired at point-blank range.

This. Having used it (unsuccessfully) and being hit with it (successfully), the twang isn't the problem; it's that notice. Hell, I can be stabbed by a sleepy pen or stung by a changeling without notice. The rad-bow already has a projectile; why not get rid of the notice? The radiation marker AND the loss of health is enough of an indication that someone's packing the damn thing.

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