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Suggestions for helping low-pop servers
Well if a server cap is such a big hitler no one wants, I got other hard-to-implement ideas.

I think the real issue here is populating a server is a boring pain in the ass. There is nothing wrong with the other servers. It's mostly people aren't motivated to populate a server unless other people are motivated to help populate a server. Because most of us are individualistic uncoordinated space assholes, that rarely happens. Therefore if you want a server to be populated, you have to do it all at once.

Server Switch Poll
The basic idea is that someone (probably an admin) calls a poll in the middle of a round or during setup. The polls asks "Would you play on X server if Y amount of people were playing?" eg. LLJK1 with 20 people. If atleast 20 people respond Yes, the first 20 people who responded are redirected from their current server to the poll's suggested server. This would be very, very handy to coordinate an overcrowded server to spread out without much actual coordination needed. The poll would probably be most effective if called during setup or a long round with the majority of the station dead. The major problem with this idea is I don't even know if it's possible to redirect people with BYOND. If not, you could do the same thing without the automatic redirect and hope that the people who responded yes actually meant yes.

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