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Suggestions for helping low-pop servers
Clarks Wrote:"oh man, so many empty servers, I don't know which one to pick."
This is once again not even close to any point I've made. Clarks how do you be so smug and so wrong ALL the time? Either way if you take that tone with me again I'll have to come to grips with having banned the most annoying person who never plays from the forum. Please don't put me through that. I couldn't bear it.

edit: Fox, I can see your point, and it is possible that it could go either way. There are a couple of facts though. We aren't trying to ENCOURAGE people to just go into an empty server to science or roleplay in a dark room or whatever, we want the people playing together as a community. If one person stays in a room for a week figuring out how to make a really nasty flamethrower, then joins the servers and blasts the shuttle with it, that week of work results in just one person having any fun.

I am much more of the opinion that science should be done naturally, in a location that isn't safe and is gonna get you murdered. Either way, my point is that we have no desire to cater to people who want to see the servers empty, and that while we may not be able to corral people into joining the two servers equally, a server with ~15 people is far, far more likely to get new players than one with 5.

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