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Suggestions for helping low-pop servers
Right now three out of four servers are low-to-no pop for most of the day. I think the trouble is compounded by the fact that when a server is up for long enough it becomes unplayable and annoying or very difficult to hop on and perform a shuttle call. There's a couple things that might help with this.

1: Toggle off random disasters under a certain player threshold
The servers are currently going upwards of 100 minutes with few to no players and nobody around to call the shuttle or handle disasters. The random events work great when there's a lot of players - when there's nobody around, it just means that if someone hops on, they've got 50-50 odds of Arrivals having no air due to meteors or having half the station solid with kudzu.

Toggle station-destroying disasters off entirely when the server is below 10-15 players or so.

2: Fix the power running out when there's nobody around.
If you join a low-pop server that's been running long and manage to get past the shuttle, the power is almost certainly out entirely to the point where it'd take ages to charge up to a workable level.
I'm less sure of how to fix this - Maybe some kind of emergency battery that kicks in if there's not enough players on? You could set the threshold lower for that, probably, it's easier to hack into the solars and get them running than it is to repair a leveled station.

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