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More Detectivey Stuff: Part 9
This is another thread for detective stuff that everyone wants but like candy from a baby can never get.

The reason why detective stuff doesn't work as well as it should is mainly because rounds are too short, and murders are too frequent. So there needs to be a way of speeding up the process of detective work.

Body Temp on the Scanner
Ranging from Warm, Tepid and Cold, these values will tell you how long the corpse has been dead for. The values will help the detective tell if the murder has just happened (warm) or hasn't (cold), allowing the detective to presume the murderer is close or far away. An N/A would show if the person is still alive.

Metal Detector on Scanner
A simple Yes/No. The detective can tell if there's metal (bullets or implants) within the body.

Gunshot residue on Scanner
Again a Y/N. Shooting a gun (read NOT energy rifle/taser) will cause gunshot residue to appear on the scanner.

Insulating gloves and other gloves similar should still leave partial prints
FUCK insulating gloves. It used to be the case where if you were doing detective work and found insulating gloves, you'd be able to narrow it down to a certain department, but that's no applicable these days. Insulating gloves should leave partial prints just like latex gloves, but far less prints than the norm. This way the detective isn't totally screwed if he runs into a cold case caused by the insulating gloves.

Pulling should leave prints

Covert Listening Device
This has been suggested 1000 times, but it would be so cool. It's a bug. You slap it onto items. You can slap it onto people, covertly, showing no message only to the applied it. Infact i'm sure I heard it being wip in coding at one point.
It feeds messages directly to sec channel, eavesdropping to the max.

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