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It's that time of they year when we rant about security.
I don't actually see anything glaringly wrong with Security right now. I guess I'd like to see a few extra shots in the tasers and maybe have Security get a riot shotgun (just one for the entire department with ammo in the Sec Dispensers. That way they'd have a bit more capability against Lings and such). A lot of the things I dislike, like how Security basically has to get close to someone to incapacitate them, are understandable. Security rarely acts badly these days either. Even proven traitors can get off with just confiscated gear, a promise not to do it again, and a 1:30 in the brig. Grief against Security is also almost gone. It's no longer the days when I had to fight through a sea of gray-shirts to get some vicious serial killer into the brig. It's actually pretty nice. They're non-lethal enough to deal with shitlords, but can break open the armory if an actual threat like a Syndicate Agent or a Wizard shows up.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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