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Distributing/Selling Explosives?
gunquinn Wrote:Last time I tried to intervene as sec when dumb non-traitors were selling bombs and guns I was mobbed and stripped.
Saying "Sec can handle it, it's no big deal" is the stupidest excuse to make bombs just to sell them.
Don't do it, it's a shitty waste of everyones time if every round lasts 20 minutes due to some nerd who has nothing better to do.
When in doubt, save them them for the end of the round, like the chemists have the decency to do.
That's the thing with SS13 though. Even if you are sec or the captain themselves if everyone else wants to do something you better fucking let them otherwise you get wrecked. Don't try to tell people what to do in a game where you can do anything. The people in charge of EVE figured that out pretty sure the admins know this too. As long as it's not being over done every round they don't care. GMD even said so.

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