06-08-2014, 04:48 AM
atomic1fire Wrote:Well cluwnes are considered exactly the same as a normal player, they just happen to be annoying cluwnes. I don't really get it. The whole point of cluwning was so that the crew would be distracted by cluwnes and hunting them down instead of the wizard. Now all that happens is people drag the cluwne to genetics and clone it.KikiMofo Wrote:Well I assume you don't know but apparently here we consider cluwnes human and we can't beat them up and shit because they are still players. It's fucking bullshit and I want to bring back the days when being a cluwne meant the entire crew hated you and wanted to kill you.
Does that mean that being a cluwne would also be a free ticket to grief?
like a sort of Lorde Doome clause army for the wizard. The cluwnes don't necessarily have to follow his orders, just avoid getting murdered and be terrible cluwnes.
If someone could pull off mad dog destruction while constantly slipping and making gibbering noises I would be impressed. I would even be more impressed if cluwnes were outright feared for how lame they are.
Overall just telling people to kill cluwnes would be dumb, I would straight up defend myself if that was the case either way, but forcing a player to get murdered because of a chance encounter with a wizard isn't fun.