06-03-2014, 12:07 PM
Readster Wrote:See I would totally agree with everybody saying that the cloak is now better as a stealth weapon if it weren't for the fact that the two most armed people on the station start able to see you and the AI is always able to see you.1)when you're wearing thermals you can't immediately tell the person you're looking at is cloaked
2)of those two people, the HoS is only there half the time and usually doesn't go traitor hunting because of how people play it. the detective can still see you but if you can't take down one unsuspecting guy, you're not going to do a great job as a traitor anyway
3)even though the AI can't see you it can almost never do anything to you because of the laws, and trying to guide people to the cloaker is almost impossible/against your laws if they bring anything that's not a taser