12-18-2012, 04:57 AM
Dauntasa Wrote:Honestly, while it might seem dickish, having everybody else be a traitor out for your blood gave you perfect justification for a "self-defence" rampage, so instead using that opportunity to complain is pretty boring.
It's pretty hard to go on a self-defence rampage, even if there is such a thing, when the people that are attacking you have sabers and bombs and an arsenal of other weaponry. There is no self-defense, you are screwed

That being said, I was the one that admin-helped it in the first place, as I was a traitor botanist, and I gibbed the chef with my chainsaw after him attacking me with the butcher's knife, in which he promptly respawned as a chef which raised alarmbells in my mind because I thought he was double-accounting, but when he respawned as a traitor chef I was just balls to the wall confused. I don't feel mad that my dead body was gibbed by him, more mad that the rest of security felt the need to murder the traitor outright because the beady eye of the HoS wasn't watching them.
Can't say much about you being on everyone's hitlist, apart from what's already been said.
A traitor respawn for me would of been nice