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Off station Bomb range
Since stuff is getting more and more explosive, to the point that it's possible to destroy most if not all of the test chamber, maybe moving it off station, like in a sweet asteroid wouldn't be a bad idea.

This handles the stupidity of testing bombs in the test chamber, which is done probably for good reason (like "I wonder what happens if") and it solves the problems of using bombs or any kinds of explosions on the station for science.

Maybe even give it a reset button so that when someone blows a hole in the bomb range, it can rebuild itself.

Also you could add cameras so that people can show off their sweet death smoke without killing anyone.

zeta station was always exploding or on fire, so perhaps a lesser version for scientists and members of the crew to visit via a space ship might not be bad, at least in terms of keeping the station from getting giant "huh, so that's what happens" holes.

I mean someone could just drill a hole in an unused asteroid and run away like heck, but the word "official bomb range" sounds cooler.

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