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Request for Comments: Stealth Nuclear Emergency
Xeram Wrote:Honestly this would probably be better off as an outright replacement for spy rather than a straight up different mode.

Also does anyone else think it'd be hilarious if there was a % chance during these rounds that they ended up sending both nuke teams, turning it into a race to see who can detonate their nuke first?

Stealth team A is meeting up in the jazz lounge when suddenly some RPGs slam into the wall and blast Agent Gibs to bits, the crew starts screaming about redsuits attacking as the agents realize someone fucked up at syndie command, and they're disguised as the crew the redsuits were sent to annihilate.

Suddenly it's turned into a race to see who can arm their bomb first and the agents to get out of dodge before they're turned to a fine pile of ash.

*cough* But on the actual topic, Yes. Forever yes. Anything that adds more stealth modes to the game, terrible rampages and obvious traitors just end up in either long drawn out boring rounds or short terrible ones.

So instead of having the Explosivy nuke team show up and fight them...Have a second team show up with the same objective (or a diffrent objective that is also game ending that the crew wishes to avoid) and have them race to finish their objective.They are also given mini-objectives that when completed they are rewarded with more telecrystals)Winning team gains promtion of becoming a aftermath nuke cleanup crew!

Only problem is a way to keep the two teams from rampaging....prehaps the captain can have a comand on the computer where if he can correctly label of 3 of the 10 spys (each team has 5) (Centcom will send a message laughing at him if he fails and then will gib him if he fails again) a attacksquad made up of the ghosts will show up with all the spy names with a mission to kill them .

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