05-26-2014, 05:23 AM
KikiMofo Wrote:So if the syndies are spawning on station that would mean they would have normal names? Like when syndies use DNA scramblers? See the problem with that is always no one had anyway of knowing if they are a syndie or not. Some people don't have problems killing a random person just because they look suspicious but some like me just don't do that and that is why the DNA scramblers fuck stuff up alot. I mean in syndie rounds you can ask people to take off their masks to see who they are but if they are scrambled they have nothing. It's fine with normal traitors since they aren't going to be nuking the station but syndies can end rounds with DNA scramblers within 5 minutes. I dunno what can be done about that though if the syndies in this round mode would be normal people.
the entire suggestion is about a stealth syndie mode
i'm not sure how they're going to be able to be stealthy if they spawn as SYNDIE-TECH OPERATIVE #1