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Request for Comments: Stealth Nuclear Emergency
Mosheninkov Wrote:Lastly, with the agents starting on the station, I think the need for free pinpointers is eliminated - either steal the Captain's or just find the captain. The ability to hide in plain sight would make a tool that directs you straight to the objective a bit overpowered, in my opinion.

Okay, most of what you said is fine(although I think you could solve some of the problems with Nuke just by putting the nuke on the station and changing nothing else) but this bit right here is a real bad idea.

There is 1 pinpointer on the station. All the Captain has to do to thwart the syndies is pick it up, put it in his pocket, and then hide. They will never find him without it. What this means is that the instant anyone yells "it's nuke" over the radio the captain will grab the pinpointer and disappear and the syndies might as well just kill themselves because they've got 0 chance of finding him and especially 0 chance of finding him in ten minutes after the AI calls the shuttle.

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