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Best moments ever thread 2.0
So, shotgunbill and popecrunch are both drunk right now.... Every single disaster has been activated.

[Image: 8YpMR.png]

[Image: 8YpQD.png]

[Image: 8Yq2T.png]

[Image: 8Yqpr.png]

[Image: 8Yqvi.png]

[Image: 8YqIF.png]
Sorry if those are too big in resolution, don't know how to thumbtag on this forum.
Also, shotgunbill is hilarious.

OOC: Shotgunbill: this round is the metaphysical representation of how my ass feels after eating bad curry last  night

OOC: Shotgunbill: as you can see, everything is red, sirens are going off, lots of strange noises and its exploding

OOC: Shotgunbill: the ss13 manor is actually a nearby mcdonalds that has wifi

OOC: Shotgunbill: its kinda like the playboy mansion but we're all fat and white

OOC: Shotgunbill: yeah please don't talk about "girls" that upsets the administration and brings back BAD MEMORIES

OOC: ProcitizenSA: rules are now illegal

OOC: ProcitizenSA: if you follow the rules youre banned

OOC: ProcitizenSA: good round imo like to see this more in teh future

Overall, a normal round in ss13.

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