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Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk)
The Chameleon Projector is quite possibly the most awesome and underrated traitor item available. Probably because it doesn't get used much. That also makes people's reactions that much more hilarious when they try to pick you up and they suddenly get a face full of oxygen tank.

Face it. Noone cares about the pen lying in the corner. It's far more stealthy than the cloaking device, far less conspicious too. Disguise yourself as an empty internals box and embrace your inner Snake.

I used to be a shitty and unrobust traitor when I played, so I tried to be as stealthy as possible. If you suck at traitoring, you can always just mentally fuck with people. It's funny to see the security hordes scanning areas for "the cloaker", but they never suspect the traitor to be the cigarette butt right next to them.

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