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Lyson - #4, May 18 3:10 - 3:20
The warning i gave was "if another person come in here, i'm gonna blow the whole place up!" which i said about 3-4 times. 3 people died, two people who ignored me and continued trying to make deathchem griefweapons and you, was trying to save the person making deathchem grief weapons. frostman technically died (or at least was in crit) before the explosion because he tried to blow me up with a black powder grenade and fucked it up.

Thats it. I didn't blow up any other part of the station and the explosion didn't even clear the chapel. I didn't even ban the people making deathchem weapons since it was my fault for being dumb enough to spawn the admin chemmachine somewhere where it could be reached. If genetics exploded, it could have been anyone else, there were 7 other people on the station, including a traitor. I left because I had to go eat.

Fuck off with your bullshit and stop assisting people trying to grief the station. I didn't do it just to piss you off and I'm not responsible for every single explosion that happens when i'm online.

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