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Money Money Moneyyy... MONEY
mozi Wrote:imho more USES for money need to be added before more SOURCES of money

This is why I think having the market far more frequent (and removing the centcom announcement) would hit soooo many birds with one stone.
  • Have it so that traders are normally there in two's, sometimes one's but it varies randomly according to how long they stay and how long it takes them to arrive. It's frequent though, every 8-10 minutes they change. So on your average 50 minute round, given that there's two spaces, you'll have an average of 10 different traders per round
    This will give the crew so many things to spend money on
  • Given the HoP spawns so close to the market, give him a new gene, persuasive tone "You feel pretty confident"
    This ties the HoP in with hustle and bustle of the market (and with QM), allowing him to haggle prices down much further than your average crewmember, seen as the hop is in charge of funds.
    This gives the hop a rad new purpose, something that he always lacked before

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