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It's that time of they year when we rant about security.
Firepower Wrote:Honestly the whole stigma with security being jerks for killing traitors has to go. I can understand if someone is being too strict by busting in and killing you 5 minutes in when they see you buying traitor items with thermals but after 15-20 minutes anyone caught with traitor items should be fair game.

Depends completely and utterly down to the traitor and how he plays. Possessing traitor items shouldn't be always warranted an arrest, never-mind murder, this is a far far worse stigma.

To me, murdering a traitor because you spotted he has traitor stuff just screams that can't handle your shit as an officer because you'd rather see him dead. It also screams that you have no creativeness other than "kill" when there are many many alternatives.

That also extends on the gimmicky traitors. Like there was two dudes in the RD's room trying to set up a nuke when I was playing as AI. I simply said "warhead spotted", didn't actually say where. I immediately regret the decision because the detective found them and shot them both to death. Like, these guys were trying DWAINE (always encouraged) and had heisinbee hostage, it could've been a much better situation, but the detective decided he had a murder boner instead.

A traitor running down the station with bombs and shotguns and are essentially acting like a nuke op? Then I would say they're fair game, because they've no creativeness other than to rampage.

It all boils down to this: If you are a traitor and you get murdered by someone and your first thought was "Man, I really wish they treated me like A or B instead of killing me" then how about you actually use that thought constructively when you play sec?

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