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It's that time of they year when we rant about security.
Cogwerks Wrote:oh good another security thread

*shoots self*
Clarks Wrote:When I say fun I don't mean funny gimmicks. Some people enjoy chasing traitors (there's too few); some people pick fights with the crew; others are bumbling drunk cops.

The point is not to write "best practices" to keep everyone happy. If the security page needs something, write what cops should not do: no permabrigging, no murder for minor crimes.
Write how to deal with vigilantes. Suggest they work as a team.

But don't make a guide on how they should deal with enemies. They'll figure out what approach they like, and what are the consequences. There's no need to push your own brand of security play (or mine for the matter) on the wiki.

It's almost like you didn't read your own thread. I wasn't pushing my brand of sec on the wiki. I read through the posts on this thread, and picked up on the general idea that:
a. Security should be geared towards fun, with discussion of making the brig a more vibrant place, and a new brand kind of sec
b. Sec should be regraded as alturistic. You are a shield not a sword, etc
c. A healthy mentality of sec should be shown on the wiki of the above.
D. Vigilantes and angry assholes in general.
I am tackling ALL these issues at once. And these aren't my own perspective, it's the community's perspective. Don't believe me? Go read the thread. And I'm adjusting it according to the responses I get.
Clarks Wrote:TLDR: you're a terribly boring cop, don't turn the wiki into how to be Sundance: the manual.
Cut the insults, lest the thread gets locked, like all the other sec threads you seemed to whine to death about.

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