05-06-2014, 09:34 PM
Quote:Dear General Rovodkatak, 12 of Granite, 8
HOKY FUCK. I'm trying to write this message as we're getting the fuck out! Shit's hitting the fan and me and 6 others decided to get the FUCK outta there! I'm hastily writing this as we escape in a small caravan we hastily threw together, I don't know how the hell we're gonna' get shit set up again, but damn it, we'll get it done. I was minding my own business drinking some booze, and a fellow dwarf ran up to me, told me I was in charge, pressed his satchel into my hand (which contained the instructions to write to you and the stationary I am currently using), and left. I thought, hey, cool, I get to be in charge! But then I heard screaming and shouts from the hall, and I knew something was up.
This is the sketch I drew shortly before getting the fuck out.
In sum, 5 people I knew were dead, and then three more that I didn't know, and let me just say this, people were not happy. We rode across the shore of the river, and decided that we couldn't go much further seeing as how our wagon wheels were anything but round, and the animals were working themselves to death. We stopped and decided to dig into the soil, partially to find a place to spend the night, and partially to hide from those deathly screams we were hearing from across the now frozen river. Broodlines, Cogwerks, Kikimofo, Lantern, Ursula Major, Zadeon, and I agreed that maybe we should leave the old settlement to die out, and begin anew here.
Quote:Dear General Rovodkatak, 3 of Slate, 9
And so Osod Notlith (The Bones of Ruins) was formed. Over the course of the winter we made some nice arrangements. A few simple rooms to stay in, some workshops, a farm, and even a coop for the hen and rooster we brought with us.
We had spent a few months getting situated, when suddenly we first heard fellow dwarves that weren't screaming about bloody murder. We all stopped what we were doing and came to greet them.
I am writing this as we are about to talk to them. The two of them seem to be nice people... They aren't brandishing weapons or anything, so that's good. Actually... One of them doesn't seem to be reacting very well to seeing Lantern... That's... Odd... They're yelling at each other, I'm still maybe a hundred meters away since I had to fetch my pen, but... It looks like they're absolutely furious at one another, in fact, the migrant looks stark raving mad! He's shouting about being fromt he original settlement, and that HE'S the real Lantern, what the hell is going on here? I'll provide a more detailed report later, I need to find out what the actual fuck is going on.
Non-RP Content (Don't read if you don't want immersion ruined, you nerd)
So yeah, the tantrum spiral of the old fortress was already in effect, and about 20 seconds int he death toll was already waaay too high to fix. So I made a new fortress with a few of the old named dwarves. I wasn't kidding about it being just across the river either, it's literally right next to the original fort. However, I intentionally made this fort to be a bit more challenging, since we had to "run away" we started with barely any food, almost no animals, and (I still regret this decision) no anvil. Stuff was fine for a while, and I was expecting new migrants int he spring, which did happen, though as soon as the migrant notification came up it was replaced with "LANTERN has gone stark raving mad!" to which I though, 'Huh?" He had a great room and everything so I was confused. Then I looked at DwarfTherapist (A utility program for those who don't use it, it allows you to quickly see dwarves happiness and jobs) And sure enough, One of the two migrants was the real LANTERN from the original settlement.
I stopped playing and haven't dared to press space yet haha. I'm quite scared of what might happen. Hopefully all the nice food and bedrooms we have now might equal out the death of the migrant, who knows. But seriously, they HAD to throw me an insane person as a migrant, that's great. (If you guys have any ideas other than not letting him in and letting him starve to death I'd be glad to hear them <3) My year is about half done by the way, I'll finish tomorrow.