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Distributing/Selling Explosives?
I think that while selling explosives shouldn't be encouraged by any means, selling them shouldn't be a bannable offense. I think that security should step in and try to resolve the issue FBI style. Most of the time I encourage shady black market deals, but bombs are just a little too strong as it stands right now to sell them assistant #2 and all of his friends.(Unless they got changed!) Plus bombs can only be used for bad.

Things you can do with bombs:
-Suicide Bomb (bad)
-Bomb (bad unless you are a traitor in which case make your own damn bombs you lazy shit)
-Threaten (Actually pretty good, especially if you take some hostages!)

If you really want to sell something that isn't exactly correct in the eyes of security, then sell some drugs, or maybe food with this new stamina update. You can sell many things. You can even sell your service. Whenever I get detective and the barman's gone and security doesn't need me, I sell myself out as a private eye. You can sell tons of things besides bombs!

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