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Distributing/Selling Explosives?
In the case of lasers, the damage is far more localized and manageable. Lasers don't gib people. Lasers don't cause structural damage to the station. It's still shitty to do that as a non-traitor unless there's a dire, dire need for it (at least without tacking on some bulky gimmick to make it harder to get a gun at the drop of a hat), but it's not necessarily illegal.

Selling bombs always, ALWAYS results in explosions. ALWAYS. Either at the source of the sales point or all over the station, if those bombs leave Toxins they're blowing the fuck up. People WILL be hurt/killed, holes WILL be blown into the station, and it's just a huge fucking mess.

So no. Don't sell/distribute fucking explosives on the station.

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