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Space Miranda Rights
So seeing how the ticket system for security can be pretty funny, i had and idea to give security something else that compliments it. Give security officer a customizeable Miranda RIghts function

I figured something like this would work similarly to the AIs customizeable alert message and state law functions.

Their would be your basic Miranda Rights thing that is ther by defauly (like the AI's alert message) and a security officer at anytime could change this to something like "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you as an excuse to fart on you. You have the right to an attorny. If you cannot afford one, a partially brain dead monkey will provided for your defense." and so on and so forth. Again its totaly customizable, so if you really felt the need, the message could simply consist of "I AM THE LAW" or something like that.

Again this is an idea that i think would compliment the current ticketing system.

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