05-01-2014, 01:06 PM
We aren't obligated to tell you what killed you, or reply at all. You've been told that your adminhelp wasn't ignored deliberately so why are you still posting?
thehman03 Wrote:This may be peanut posting, and admins, feel free to make this into some stupid thing calling me dumb, but dear lord skunkrocker, just because you "randomly" died in a game about dying randomly doesn't give you the right to be an entitled prick and call the admins idiots, because holy fuck, if there's anyone here who's really a big fat dumb nerd it's you. BlackrayJack told you not to IC in OOC and added an obvious joke at the end when he said "or else", and you whine about being "threatened". Jesus christ get your ego in check and quit your shit, because i think i know that nobody wants to deal with it.