04-30-2014, 06:31 AM
Clarks Wrote:Having times when no mentors are available hopefully reminds people that they can get help or learn from other players as well.i'm going to be honest, clarks. what i'm getting from your argument is that you don't want people to be using mentorhelp because they should learn from non-mentors? that kind of defeats the point of mentors in the first place. you're kind of implying that mentors are somehow supernerds or something that sit around a round table plotting against batman in some super secret club.
we're all players too- and that's kind of the problem. as i said before, setting up a mentor irc would allow for people to get their answers more quickly from mentors who are not in-game and distracted by other things, like mass murder. as it stands, mentorhelp can disrupt some peoples' flow if they have to stop and answer a question, especially if they need to explain something in-depth.
Clarks Wrote:There's a ton of rounds when mentorhelp has no questions; setting up a channel, watching it, goes way beyond what's needed.I'm uh, no expert or anything. but as far as i know from talking with others, the only real logistical problem with setting up a channel would be compiling a list of mentors and their IRC names or having admins monitoring who's who. i dunno about the rest of you guys, but i'm pretty sure a lot of the mentors would be willing to volunteer to help out with this.