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Special Job: Journalist
The idea for this job is based off of the little room next to the pod hangar. The name of the job tells what it is, bother the station with pointless question, write it down, distribute it all over the station with PDA messages or use paper and pen, and take pictures of shit. No new sprites would really need to be made considering that the room I previously mentioned has all you need.

My idea for having this made as a job is to make it one of the special jobs that you can pick from once a day. Access wise, just give the journalist that basic Staff Assistant access. As for crew objectives:

Objective #1: Live a second life as a vigilante.
Objective #2: Ask the captain and/or security pointless questions and distribute lies.
Objective #3: Get sued, drunk and die.

The basic summary of this job is to just be as annoying as possible.

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