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It's that time of they year when we rant about security.
I think a HUGE HUGE part of the improved sec attitude seems to be that now that job selection is more dependable, you can have Sec set to unwanted so if you don't want to be sec, you can actually not be sec most of the time! This revolutionary concept has allowed people who don't want to be sec to not be sec! So that leaves people who are okay with being sec as sec officers most of the time. And when people actually want to be sec, they're more likely to be somewhat okay about it, and put more effort into it. Any time you've had a full team of sec officers spawned at the start, half of them were so enraged they'd just suicide on the spot.

So yeah, I think that's gone a long way to improve the attitudes of both sec and the crew. It's been nice to see.

That said, yeah, we still suffer from a lack of recruits. Hiring bored assistants isn't a bad idea, as long as you can't tell they're traitors really obviously or anything. Try coming up with fun incentives! Post bounties! Offer rewards! Or better, offer promotions!

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