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vampire fixed, misc gripes itt
pizzatiger Wrote:Just give the vampire a one time ablity to spawn a coffin

Okay sorry for double posting but i thought of a way to expand this in a way that vampire mode becomes its own game mode instead of a weak combo of wizard and changeling by using some of the ideas from the wizard dungeon keeper threads.

The game starts for the vampire with him as a half-vamp who has no powers except to finish the transformation and to summon his coffin. In this form he can begin to find a place to make the coffin room without the inherent vampire weakness. The only things the half-vampire is weak to be starlight and teleporting. Once a half-vampire finds a nice place to finish the transformation he presses the command and the room converts into a castle with stone floors and wall with torches for light bulbs and airlocks become wooden doors that can be broken down. An unholy Coffin is placed where the vampire is standing with a key. Finally the thing he is wearing becomes a vampire suit and cape for vanity reasons. The vampire is also super slow and has half health when outside his castle zone. He is also given a vampire accent.
At this point he now has some weak vampire powers such as seeing in the dark and a glare that is nerved when he leaves the castle zone. He also has a small supply of blood from when he was human. The vampire real power comes from when he in his coffin where he can do a few very important things.

The vampire can begin to expand his castle zone by spending blood on tiles he wishes to convert. On converted tiles he can summon units to protect him and basic traps that cost blood to make. As you can already tell...he going to need a lot of blood to make a reasonable base. Humans provide the best source of blood. Monkey blood is unfilling and causes toxin damage. The vampire can also produce blood fountains that by themselves very slowly make a thing of blood that can be claimed while in the coffin or with a wine glass if you have a hint of style. This process is greatly improved when monkeys or corpses are shoved inside the fountain.

Using this blood he can begin to research a bunch of random traps, units and powers to use within in his ever expanding castle zone. The powers he gains has two forms. When he outside the castle area the powers are weaker and cost more blood. While inside the castle it gains more power and costs less.

Now you must be asking how ANYONE could kill me in such a powerful castle. The answer is that as you gain more powers, expand you castle, and summon units the harder it becomes to leave your coffin meaning it takes from 5 seconds to a minute to escape the coffin. This is all fine and good in till your castle begins to shrink from the lack of you holding it together and if your traps and units leave the castle zone due to it shrinking they will begin attacking you and ignoring the non-vampires. While in your coffin any random assistant can stake you in the heart with a crowbar! Thankfully there is an expensive building called a dungeon heart that can stop the shrinking of your dungeon in a 20*20 area but are REALLY easy to destroy

This makes a fine balancing act of not getting TOO powerful or you be caught with your pants down if an assistant beats your death maze.

Did i mention that the Chaplin in your biggest threat? He can speed the shrinking of the castle while inside it, Banish unholy traps and units (for a blood sacrifice to whatever crackpot god he worships taking his health from green to yellow using oxygen) and destroy your blood fountains with a simple prayer. His blood is also deadly for you to drink due to his steady diet of garlic and rosemary meaning if you did kill him you could not gain any blood from it.

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