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Bees, and Owls, and Bears, oh my!
I've got a derpy-ass white cat who's almost a year old and is already fat as hell. Crazy bastard's pear-shaped, looks like an owl when he's hunched over. He has a clubbed foot (got it caught in a fanbelt or something when he was tiny before we got him and they almost thought they were going to have to amputate it but it's healed, it just looks weird) and is awkward as hell (ever since he was tiny if you tried to pick him up he hasn't gotten the hang of distributing his weight to accommodate like regular cats tend to do, he just sticks out all his legs and wobbles), but he's a sweetie. Loves kids and people and dogs and doesn't really understand the concept of fear or common sense. Personally I think he has some kind of feline downs syndrome or something. Maybe a thyroid problem too, boy is fat.

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