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BlackrayJack LLJK 1 4/22/14 12:00 AM
This was handled in IRC.
<@BlackrayJack> Oh I see what you're talking about now Skunkrocker but unfortunately I was only on for a brief moment, saw the message, and gave you your warning. I didn't see your follow-up adminhelp.
The point was that I felt slighted against because BlackrayJack, who signed onto a server, ignored my response to him. Everything else is circumstantial, but that was the big point I was upset with.
Now, I figured with it handled this thread would have been closed already but for some reason it hadn't, so I'm closing it now.

bubs Wrote:Also nobody "deliberately ignored" anything.
bubs Wrote:we don't answer LOTS of adminhelps

"We don't deliberately ignore, except when we deliberately ignore."

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