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drsingh - LLJK #2 - 4/14
GorillaMyDreams Wrote:Look, when that whole adminhelp about being called a cunt thing first came in I thought it was because of some thing about the difference between being called a cunt and a dick. I had no idea you were a transperson so I made a general OOC about such language. And then you kept adminhelping repeatedly about it. Over and over. And I and another admin told you to cool it and just relax. It's one thing to have this happen in person but this was a guy on a game about farting in space. You were told several times to just relax and forget about it because there is very little this person can do to you other than call you the wrong pronoun unless he goes into some weird stalker mode. I even did an hour ban on you to even cool it and just relax which I am surprised did not get a complaint.
I deserved the hour ban cause I was arguing with admins and getting pretty angry, and it did legit help me to cool it. With the anti bigotry rule in place, however, not taking any action against him and just telling me to forget about it instead seems kinda fucked up. You'd ban someone for repeatedly calling a gay person a faggot, so why not apply that to people who intentionally misgender trans* people to get a rise out of em? Plus, he did kinda go into weird stalker mode when he kept misgendering me like, 2 or 3 rounds after the initial one when he saw me.

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