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Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk)
KikiMofo Wrote:Now people can fear explosions.

People feared explosions before, what, you assumed they didn't? Something that stuns, damages, depressurizes and potentially gib? Oh yeah, absolutely nothing to worry about.
It's not like when somebody sees a bomb, they go "eh, look at this puny thing"
Nope, people run a mile from it, and just keep on running.

KikiMofo Wrote:Now if someone says they have microbombs people will becareful. Same with syndies. No more shrugging off the microblast.

The problem isn't the adjustment of bombs, it's just the oversight of other explosion related things, such as microbombs. People simply didn't shrug of microbombs, they were essentially a pda explosion to anyone nearby, blowing off limbs and like. What are pda explosions like now actually?

It's utter shit for security who, after arresting a dude who ends up suiciding with a microbomb, instead of blowing off that sec officers leg as a final horrah, it maims, potentially kills, and makes the place where he exploded inhabitable.
What's even worse is that it encourages shitty rampages with people that have 10 of them inside, so when they finally bite the bullet/get swarmed, they just succumb and kill pretty much everyone around them. Real neato.

It's simply not fair, for 1 telecrystal, totally unbalanced, and seems like it isn't what microbombs intentions are. They're not meant to be area damaging, gibbing (bar yourself ofc) detonation, they're meant to be an ace in a hole, a final fuck-you rather than making you a walking nuke.

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