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The New Goonstation Wiki
Sundance Wrote:I have to admit, whatever update about the wiremap, something went wrong somewhere. The tiles are now pretty lossy looking, like they weren't saved in png or something, that and the maint shafts are now totally dark.
That said the new zoom is nice. v

I moved away from a google maps system for space/bandwidth saving reasons and a greater degree of control. The new system only uses one "layer" of PNGs that you zoom in and out of, thus any zoom level past 1:1 is zooming into those tiles and will result in some loss of quality (depending on your browser and OS). The main benefit of this system is the decreased file size of tiles (48mb for the old google maps tiles, 2.8mb for the new tiles) which results in faster loading, as well as an increased amount of zoom levels (as there is no need to generate a new layer of tiles for each zoom level now). Basically, the lossy look at high zoom levels is known about and I have deemed it "fuck it, good enough" for the purposes of silly spaceman maps.

Also an addendum: the system behind the new maps was built by Isilkor and his Telescience Tool that he graciously helped me port over to goonhub.

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