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Nuclear Weapon Instruction Manual
But you don't know computers!

Easy there, Master Blaster! First of all, make sure you've got the nuke! It's the green football-shaped thing that has a really ominous apocalyptic feel to it.

Got your bomb? Good work, you evil mastermind, you!

Next thing you'll need is a number. It's a special number that lets you activate the device!

... You have the number, right? Did you forget? Well, then, Nukemaster Nate, you should have been provided with an audio player with a special message on it JUST FOR YOU! That message should have your bomb's activation number on it. And in the event that you lost that somehow (maybe Jeff in HR thought it'd be fun to throw it out the airlock, right before the boss threw him out after it), your notes should have the number stored in your memory!

Creating an Apocalyptic Wasteland:
First, make your bomb deployable. You have to right click it (never you mind how that works) and select the option to make it deployable. LOCATION DOES NOT MATTER!!! You're detonating a nuke, not setting off a firecracker. This son of a bitch will destroy EVERYTHING. You included. Hope you've made your peace.

Next you'll need the activation disk. If you don't have one, find one. You should have a locker with several pinpointers in it. You might not have enough for your whole team, but you can always find one and steal it. Who's going to care when you've reduced the world to ashes? These pinpointers will point in the direction of the disk, and the color of the arrow will indicate the distance. Blue and green mean very close, and a black dot means you're right on top of it.

Once you've finally got the disk, bring it to the bomb, and click the bomb with your free hand. Then, holding the disk, click the button at the top of the window that pops up. If you did it right, you won't be holding the disk anymore. Congratulations! You're almost there. Now, punch the activation number into the keypad, and hit the E button to enter it. Now you should be able to arm it!

The timer should be self-explanatory.

Now, go burn it all to the ground in a rain of nuclear fire.

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