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Rearrange verbs
KikiMofo Wrote:
BlackPhoenix Wrote:
Dabir Wrote:Also: Could there be a way for ghosts to see AI laws? They can already see pretty much anything else.
That's a poor idea because you'd get people getting cloned and shouting "THE AI HAS THIS LAW KILL/RESET HE"
Can't ghosts already see the borg/ai speak?
Yes but borg/AI speak can also be seen with an easy to make implant, so any borg or AI that talks about being rogue before it is known by the crew in that chat is an idiot anyhow.

Dabir Wrote:You'd get it about as often as people being cloned and shouting "PUB SCRUBSON IS LING KILL HE". Which is rare enough that I don't actually remember ever seeing it.
It happens all the time. Any time somebody gets killed by a traitor and cloned, they tell the whole crew who it was. At least, 90% of the time.

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