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GoonStation Diaries
Wydamn Wrote:I thought for sure I posted here last night: I recorded a few rounds from last night, Correctional Object 36 and Secret Memorial Installation 1. Anyone want the unedited recordings? I tried to record the Solarium round, but the audio was screwed up.

To clarify: The idea behind this "project" is that everyone records the same round, and each episode is 20 minutes long starring 3 pov's.
Recording time altogether is about 3 rounds, that's potentially 3 hours recording time, each. So the chance to be meta when there's that much feed from that many players is pretty zilch, especially when i'll be potentially only be using 10-20 minutes (depending if I chose you to be in 2 episodes or not) of feed per player.
The beauty behind this is that it's pretty casual; you don't have to turn up for the first round to start recording, and you don't have to stay for 3 rounds either, just once you record at least 1 round from the beginning of that round. It sounds pretty complicated, but it all makes perfect logical sense in my head so that's all that matters right? embarrasment

So yeah unedited recording separate to the event isn't much use when I need 2 other feed from other players. I'm not looking for any kind of edited recordings either, just pure raw unedited data of your feed in the round, which I will edit myself to the final product.

A few obvious and not so obvious house-rules:
-->No metagaming of any sort. No intercommunication when the round starts (Pre-round is fine, again obviously), this will be pretty impossible to do anyway, seen as i'll be looking and listening to your feed when you send it to me.

-->Pre-round organisation with other recorders of an activity, such as exploring telescience, or building a room, I will consider metagaming (even though it isn't to an extent), and will not include it in the video. I want the round to flow and pan out naturally, if you know what i'm saying. That said, IN-GAME organisation, such as announcing and organizing an expedition over the telecomms/pda/p2p is totally fine and why wouldn't it be.

-->Record each round separately, and name the file-name something easy, like SUNDANCE_2 (sundance's second round feed) so I won't be shitting myself when editing.

-->Please send me a separate file, it can be a shitty little .txt file or w/e, just stating the highlights of the round, at given time. For example at 11:45, you got into a in-depth verbal argument with the clown, at 42:23, you deepfried shitty bill in grog and forcefed it to the clown, etc. Again this would make my life alot easier, and shouldn't be too hard to do on your part.

-->You may include some suggestions in the above .txt file, like [INSERT LAUGH TRACK HERE] and stuff.

-->Please consider the quality or how tolerable your voice is. Is it nasally and drone-like, sounding like there's even acne in your throat? Please consider talking less. Do you have literally no humor-bone in your body? Consider cracking less jokes.
Also consider your accent, having a video where you have a bold, irish, toilet mouth like me (every second word is a curse-word), this is something I like. Not my accent as such, but a variety of accents and humor will make for some serious side-commentary. Side commetary is what i'm looking for really. Again if you wish to narrate, consider the above, and if you tick the right boxes, then go ahead young padawan.

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