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Chemistry VR - For investigative chemistry
Most if not all of the chemicals are listed on the wiki. Testing them is kinda pointless unless you want to be an effective jerk.

I think it would be a lot more jerk friendly if certain reagents were never supposed to go anywhere near each other.

You know those medical labels that say something like "If you are taking this drug don't take these other drugs because they might kill you."

Or those moments where someone's got a disease/problem but you don't really have an idea how to fix it/medicate it.

Virtual chemistry would probably be perfect for that. Test Home remedies on crewmen. Also could lead to pathology coming back because you can either be a traitor jerk and make super nasty bug chemical combos, or market your own "CURE" that at least keeps the symptoms at bay for a tiny bit after you've tested both the disease and your homebrew tonic on a virtual man.

Something like that, but not necessarily obvious unless a chemist happens to learn the side effects on a virtual human or some doctor accidentally injects it. Or some pubbie was taking painkillers and alcohol again.

As for putting a bathroom next to chemistry, yeah sounds good.

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