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ID Change Changes
That is a really good idea, and I like it. However, what I'm looking for is a way for heads and other leaders in a emergency situation to promote, give access, demote, etc when all three of the HoP and Captain's IDs is destroyed. Perhaps the AI, Cyborgs, and Captain get the message on their PDA's too. Of course, it can get confusing with 4 different people requesting different $X for one job change. Perhaps If the HoP PDA is not found, then it goes to cap, then to AI, then to all cyborgs. Subverted AI's and Cyborgs, traitor captains, and smart hackers can also interfere with this process when not in an emergency situation.

Quote:I think you should be able to forge new IDs in a long complicated process.

This is also a good idea. Perhaps when the telecommnication is destroyed or there is no power, you can manually press new ID's, but they take a long time.

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